About New Visions Painting Company

Welcome To A Brand New Vision

New Visions Professional Painting Contractors

New Visions is a highly qualified and extremely professional painting company based out of New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Throughout it's history of servicing the Volusia County Coastline, our company has become known for it's fast, clean, and efficient approach to the painting trade. With our qualified team of skilled and knowledgeable painters, no project is beyond our vast expertise. From understanding client needs and what they expect out of a professional painting company, to knowing exactly what methods and products to use on each task, New Visions is the ticket for all of your painting needs.

Our experience ranges from painting and waterproofing new construction and remodeled mansions on the beach, to repainting 12-story, high end condominium buildings. From deep cleaning and sealing dozens of oceanfront decks, some valued over $50,000, to painting businesses including restaurants, salons, and offices. From airplane hangers' ceilings right down to their epoxy floors, to The Hog radio station on International Speedway, we have really done it all and are confident that we are qualified to take on any task at hand.

We have all the tools possibly necessary, from scaffolding, ladders of all sizes, several airless paint sprayers, Pressure washers, OSHA approved safety climbing gear, a fleet of company vehicles, along with just about every painting tool known to man. We also carry all necessary licensing, Insurance, and workman's comp paperwork up to date. With our stats, we are clearly qualified to place estimates and complete your next project. So when your ready for a truly professional paint job, Call New Visions, where Perfection is Our Trademark!

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